STARK WRS srl - Waterproofing & roofing

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STARK WRS srl, young and dynamic company, burst into the market, motivated by a particular attention to the R&D of new technologies in the roofing and waterproofing industry.

This company takes advantage of the long term experience of its professionals, who have worked in the waterproofing and converings sector both in Italy and abroad. Our accomplished and competent staff operates on underground and above ground structures, new buildings or property renovation, both in civil and industrial coverings.
All our professionals are formally trained and constantly kept up-to-date about the newest waterproofing technologies, placing our company in an advanced position in the indusrty.

It's important to highlight that we guarantee, for each project, a careful analysis in order to recommend the best solution to every query; this is also be possible thanks to the partnership with professionals of this sector.
To have a special consideration for safety guarantees, to our professionals and customers, to fulfil the deadlines and operate in compliance accepted standards.

We aim at the full satisfaction of our customers requirements by offering a full service including: personalised project, installation, technical assistance with the opportunity of following the work in progress by using a reserved area directly accessible from our web site.
The points upon which our company is based are represented by a constant research for excellence, reliability, stability, the guarantee of effectiveness, specialization, long duration and differentiation of products; and by environmental safety and health protection. These features make STARK WRS srl the perfect partner in waterproofing, from the fundations to the roof.

Sectors of intervention

  • Rifacimenti
  • Manutenzioni
  • Nuove Costruzioni


La sempre maggiore attenzione per il rispetto dell'ambiente da parte dei Tecnici e dei cittadini, si trova in linea con quanto emanato dagli enti normativi sia nazionali che comunitari.

La Direttiva Europea 2008/98/Ce recepita in Italia con il D.Lgs n°205/2010, stabilisce che entro il 2020 si debbano recuperare o riciclare il 70% degli inerti da demolizione edile, mentre oggi si arriva solo al 10% su oltre 40 milioni di tonnellate prodotte annualmente nella nostra nazione.

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Le imprevedibilità, il mancato controllo delle opere accessorie quali lucernari, scossaline, bocchettoni di scarico così come gli interventi in copertura eseguiti da aziende diverse dall'impermeabilizzatore, non seguite da una verifica finale, possono pregiudicare l'integrità della copertura.

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Stark WRS srl dispone di molteplici soluzioni per le nuove costruzioni civili ed industriali, abbiamo il prodotto per ogni tipologia di lavoro, dal sistema più innovativo a quello tradizionale.

L'azienda dispone sempre di tecnici per sopralluoghi e preventivi mirati a risolvere qualsiasi problema di impermeabilizzazione

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Impermealizzazioni liquide 100%
Manti sintetici in PVC o TPO100%
Membrane in bitume di polimero100%
Tegole canadesi100%
Coperture metalliche100%
Sistemi anti caduta100%


This company takes advantage of the long term experience of its professionals, who have worked in the waterproofing and converings sector both in Italy and abroad. Our accomplished and competent staff operates on underground and above ground structures, new buildings or property renovation, both in civil and industrial coverings.


 via della resistenza 13/D
 Almenno San Bartolomeo (BG)
  Phone: (+39) 035540753